Friday, April 24, 2009

Adventures in baby feeding!

I'm relieved to say that so far, feeding Andrew, has been a relatively non-complicated task. I'm breastfeeding... and we've been very lucky not to run into any issues (latch or supply). However, "easy" as it may be, breastfeeding is still the hardest part of motherhood for me so far. Yes, the sleepless nights are hard... trying to interpret his cries, his needs... but even more than that is the fact that for the last month, I have been "attached" to this little being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For someone as independent as I am... that is REALLY hard.

Brandyn has nicely suggested on several occasions that I run out to Target for an hour or something... but Andrew is still feeding so irregularly, that I'm too nervous to leave, as I assume Andrew will throw a hung screaming fit, and poor Brandyn will be stuck listening to it.

I know that eventually I'll have to leave him... I mean, I will be going back to work mid-June. And so, that is why this week, I started pumping. On Wednesday we attempted our first try with a breastmilk bottle. For whatever reason... it was a disaster. Andrew screamed and cried, but Brandyn kept at it until we couldn't handle Andrew's cries anymore.

Yesterday, I reached out to several of my friends who breast/bottle feed for advice. They suggested that I not be in the room when Brandyn feeds... that we try to feed Andrew before he gets too hungry... that we make sure the milk is body temperature... and that the Playtex Drop In bottle seems to work best. Well, I'm not sure which of those factors did it... but it worked like a charm!

Watching Brandyn feed Andrew was a GREAT moment for me. Not only was it fun and sweet to see Brandyn interact with Andrew in such a nurturing manner, but also... Brandyn's feeding Andrew... means FREEDOM for me!!


janessa said...

Nick said to me shortly after he fed Jenna for the first time (successfully) "It was so beautiful to be able to provide all she needed".... THAT melted my heart.

Congrats girl! Freedom is yours! And, absence makes the heart grow fonder (if you can even imagine that at this point!)

SmartAssMom said...

Woo hooo! Great pic, very sweet.

Lizz said...

YAY for feeding success! So sweet!

Mommy Moreno said...

this is a huge success! take a much needed SOLO trip to target - you deserve it ;)

Erin said... cute!

Rachel said...

Yay, that's fantastic! Love the pic. :)

Taking Flight said...

Hurray to freedom!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad it worked!

Brakes and Gas said...

Henry gave Weezy a bottle since her first week this morning (you reminded me we still needed to make sure she could eat from a bottle, so thank you!) at 6:30 and I got to sleep in; it was wonderful and he really loved bonding with her too! Who said hapiness couldn't be found at the bottom of a bottle?

CHarris said...

You are a rock star - I couldn't even last a month!

Cousin Anji said...

I can't tell you how many times I'd look up at Kurt and just say "MOOOOO!" This was usually when I was feeling frustrated about being so relied upon so much, and hormones were a little out of control. It won't be like this forever.