Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dance Machine!!

They say that toddlers LOVE music! Well, Andrew certainly does! He especially likes the Beatles, Lady Gaga, and Nelly Furtado (amongst others). He loves when you sing to him, especially if the song has hand motions that go along.

Andrew recently learned the "Itty Bittsy Spider" song with hand motions from his teachers at day care. I had no idea they were teaching him that and imagine my surprise when he started doing the hand motions when I started signing it the other night! I tried to catch it on video... but as you can see, as soon as I turned the camera on, he got shy.

Andrew loves to dance too! He has a magnet toy on the fridge that signs "Old MacDonald"... its not a jukebox, but it works! (Perhaps Andrew needs to learn how to dance from someone other than his Mother. Note that I did NOT include the video with Andrew and I dancing together - ha!).


Shelly C. said...

OMG. I cannot wait to get the boys together. Alex LOVES to dance and sing. His favorites are The Wheels on the Bus and Old MacDonald. We'll definitely have to keep the video cameras on standby at all times!

CHarris said...

I see Brandyn's moves in that video!! Dance, boys, dance!!